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Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis — French Again, Juliette Bourdier

Nous allons étudier un livre d’heures les mardi du manuscrit de Courtanvaux (16 heures à 18:30) Manuscript de la Bibliothèque des Marquises de Courtanvaux Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, Usage de Paris Paris, c. 1460-1470 Vellum (172 x120mm) Mains gothiques (liturgique) en maron foncé (plusieurs mains) Couleurs alternées (brun, bleu, rouge) avec des dorés 222 folios […]

via Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis — French Again, Juliette Bourdier

BNF — French Again, Juliette Bourdier

Les manuscrit de l’exposition livre de BNF Ce semestre vous allez chacun choisir un manuscrit, l’étudier et faire une présentation devant la classe. J’ai mis les instructions sous Oaks. Ces liens vous dirigent vers les expositions de manuscrits de la BNF Manuscrits BNF 1 Le livre des merveilles 2 Le […]

via BNF — French Again, Juliette Bourdier

Doit-on tout au Moyen-Age ? — Juliette Bourdier

Le magazine de l’archéologie, Carbone 14 Faut-il réécrire l’Histoire ? notre histoire ! très probablement, du moins pour partie, notamment le Moyen Âge. Bienvenue au temps de Quasimodo, de la sorcellerie et des sortilèges, des invasions barbares et des frayeurs millénaristes, celui de la peste noire, des cerfs et des gueux… du seul remède au […]

via Doit-on tout au Moyen-Age ? — Juliette Bourdier

La grammaire du programme des deuxcentistes

My French Film Festival… don’t miss it!

Juliette Blue Bourdier, Medievalist is an innovative concept the aim of which is to showcase French directors and enable Internauts all over the world to share their love of French cinema. For its fourth edition, the festival returns with new films, new foreign languages, new partner platforms and launches in cinemas in several territories.


Between 17 January and 17 February film lovers all over the world will be able to access all the films proposed by the on-line French film festival. As an avant-première, the shorts can be viewed this year free of charge on 21 December within the framework of the Shortest Day, in celebration of short films.

The principle

Ten French features and ten French shorts are competition. Internauts are invited to score all the films and leave their comments on the website. The…

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Changram, Les mots d’amour

French Again, Juliette Bourdier

Une chanson pour travailler la grammaire….

Les mots d’amour – Debout sur le Zinc

Aujourd’hui nous allons revoir les verbes… Holala





A) Dictée

B) J’ai souligné quelques verbes.
Identifiez : 1) le sujet, 2) l’objet, 3) l’infinitif,  4) le temps.
4) Que remarquez-vous ? Quelles sont les règles dont vous vous souvenez ?

B) Mettre cette phrase, 1) au présent, 2) à l’imparfait, 3) au passé composé, 4) au futur simple…
J’aimerais écrire des mots d’amour, parce que parler c’est pas mon fort.

C) comment se conjuguent les verbes comme Aimer/parler ? Ecrire ? être, avoir ? finir ?
Artiste : Debout sur le Zinc
Album : Des Singes et des Moutons


les mots

Les mots d’amour – Debout sur le Zinc
J’ —————-    ——————–des mots d’amour
Parce que —————-    c’est pas mon fort. (mon fort : my strength)
J’aimerais écrire des mots d’amour,

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Play medieval!

Juliette Blue Bourdier, Medievalist

Fief is a game of dynastic ambition, where players assume the roles of nobles in the 14th century Kingdom of France.


Academy Games, which specializes in history-related board games, is making an English-language version of a popular French game in which players assume the roles of nobles in the 15th century Kingdom of France. They can gain power through secular and ecclesiastical politics, and be able to become the power-behind-the-throne for the King or Pope.

Fiefs have different colored backgrounds and Bishoprics have heavy bordered outlines that include several different Fiefs.

The game fun can range from getting good harvests to raise the church tithe, or being hit by the plague or having a peasant uprising!

The game-makers have easily surpassed their goal of $20,000 and are using the extra money raised to make additional improvements to the game. Those who pledge certain amounts will recieve an advance copy of the game, which is due to be ready by June 2014. You can get more details…

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Le Journal, Les loisirs des Français

Nautical charts revealed… it is all about details

Juliette Blue Bourdier, Medievalist

Bonjour à tous,

Merci de consulter les cartes et de m’expliquer la conception du monde telle que nous l’avons lue dans le Mundi.
La semaine prochaine, nous lirons Li Ere Brendan

Les cartes marines sur parchemin, Nautical charts on parchment

   Gallica is the digital library of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF), open to the general public around the world. It serves as a digital encyclopedia and consists of printed materials and sound recordings. Gallica makes it possible to find sources that are rare, unusual, out-of-print, or difficult, if not impossible, to access. The BnF owns the largest world collection of ancient Nautical maps (more thn 500).

Recently, Gallica has opened an online exhibition of Nautical maps, you can find the exhibition, « L’âge d’or des cartes marines : quand l’Europe découvrait le monde ».

It includes the Carta Pisana, a map made at the end of the 13th…

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Serments de Strazbourg (842)

Juliette Blue Bourdier, Medievalist


The  Serment de Strasbourg is an oath sworn by Charles le Chauve – Charles the Bald (later Holy Roman Emperor Charles II) andÄhnlicher Begriff: Louis II de Germania in solemnizing their alliance against their brother, Emperor Lothair I. The chief political result of this alliance was the Treaty of Verdun (843). Each brother made his oath in the language of the other’s followers, so that it might be understood. The version used by Louis is often considered the oldest known specimen of French.The text was preserved in the manuscript of the Frankish historian Nithard (fl. 9th century).The Serments is the earliest known document written in the emerging vernacular.

Le mot tudesque vient de l’adjectif germanique tiudesc, qui signifie «populaire». Cette racine se retrouve aussi dans le mot tiudesc-Land qui signifie le «pays du peuple». Au fil du temps, il se transformera en Deutschland, nom…

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